Friday, July 25, 2008

August/September Newsletter

This is the beginning of a fresh new day, I greet it with hope. Today comes only once, and never again returns. I must show my love and be kind. God has given me this twenty-four hours to use as I will, I shall have a cheerful attitude. I must do something good with this day and not waste it. This is my day of opportunity and duty. I expect something good because I am going to help make it happen!

Today is a new day in my life, a new piece of road to be traveled, I must ask God for directions. Today I will be filled with courage and confidence. I must show my faith in God. What I do today is very important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it. The cost of a thing is the amount of my life I spend obtaining it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever, leaving in its place something I have traded for it. In order not to forget the price I have paid for it, I shall do my best to make it useful, profitable, joyful. The seeds I plant today determine my harvest in the future, my life will be richer or poorer by the way I use today.

Thank you God for today, I shall not pass this way again- What I must do-I’ll do today!--By Alfred A. Montapert

Be Happy, Chaplain Bill C.

To help reduce costs, you will receive the newsletter every other month, starting in August. Those of you who get your newsletter by mail will receive 4 50/50’s instead of the usual 2. As you know ½ goes to the Area Food Pantry ½ to the winner. Thank you for your support.

“Membership KWVA:” If you need a new membership card, send either a letter to the Membership Office, or email to Mailing address: Korean War Veterans Assn., PO Box 22857, Alexandria, VA 22304-9285.

Daisy Days total receipts for May 2, 3, 31 and July 12 is $7,919.97.
A big “Thank You” to all of the workers:
Leroy G., Henry W., Russ K., Gladys K., Bob I., Carl B., Paul V., Ed G., Henry S., Ken S., Jean S., Alan P., Dixie P., Tom M., Billy G., Bill J., Bill C., Irvin W., Jim W., Merrill B., Don R., Jo R., and Chuck A..

New National Officers are:
President--William MacSwain
1st/Vice President--James Ferris
2nd/Vice President--Robert Banker
George Lawhon
Leo Agnew
Jeffrey Brodeur
Luther Rice Jr.

A Few Words from your PR Person:
On the 29th of June a patriotic program was held at St. Matthews United Methodist Church honoring Korean Veterans. Awards were presented to the veterans; many of which were members of our chapter. I'm sure we are all grateful to the church for remembering us and for their magnificent performance of musical talent.

Continue to support our food pantry by contributions of canned goods and/or paper goods.

On the railroad of life, keep in mind that the light at the end of the tunnel may be an oncoming train.

See you at the next meeting. Bill J.

When The “Tithe” Comes In: Two men were shipwrecked on a desert island. One was a churchgoer and the other wasn’t. The minute they arrived on the island, the non- church goer began screaming and yelling, “We’re going to die! There’s no food! No water! We’re going to die!” The other man was calmly propped against a palm tree, which drove the other guy crazy. “Don’t you understand? We’re going to die! What’s wrong with you?” “You don’t understand,” said the churchgoer, “I make one hundred thousand dollars a week.” “What difference does that make?” asked the non-churchgoer. “We’re on a desert island. We’re going to die.” The churchgoer smiled. “You just don’t get it. I make one hundred thousand dollars a week , and I tithe. My pastor will find me.”

DTV Conversion set for February 2009:
Your current television will work as it does now until analog broadcasting stops. Under federal law, analog service will continue until most homes (85%) in an area are able to watch the DTV programming. Even after the transition is over, your current TV will not become obsolete. A converter box can be used to receive broadcast DTV signals and change them into the format of your current television. In addition, if you use your analog set with a multichannel pay service like cable or satellite, it will continue to work as it always has. Even with a converter box, however, your current analog television will not be capable of displaying the full picture quality of DTV. To enjoy the full picture quality, you must have a DTV set. Subscribers to cable and DBS services should contact their providers regarding converter boxes for those services. Digital television (DTV) is a new type of broadcasting technology that will transform television as we now know it.By transmitting the information used to make a TV picture and sound as "data bits" (like a computer), a digital broadcaster can carry more information than is currently possible with analog broadcast technology. If you currently receive free over-the-air television programming on an analog television set, you will need a DTV converter box to continue to receive television service after February 17, 2009. DTV converter boxes are available now. To help consumers cover the cost of the converter box, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) will be issuing up to two converter box coupons valued at $40 each to households in early 2008. Information about the DTV converter box coupon program is available at You will still need an over-the-air antenna in addition to the converter box to receive a digital signal on your analog television set. Your current antenna should work the same as before. Converting to DTV will also free up parts of the scarce and valuable broadcast airwaves. Those portions of the airwaves can then be used for other important services, such as advanced wireless and public safety services (for example, police, fire departments, and rescue squads). (Information taken from: Also, see for information regarding coupons for the converter box.